From the 1st of September on Finland has also a new sales team. Our sales representative team in Finland consists of Thomas Pokela and Mika Sangi, Sangi being responsible for the Eastern parts of Finland and Pokela for the Western parts.
Pokela's knowledge of the Omnigym product is encompassing. He knows the equipment throughout, knows what to take into account when mounting the outdoor exercise areas and he can also help with a training program, thanks to his PT and bodybuilding background.
Sangi knows his way around Eastern Finland. Sangi has comprehensive know-how in designing and building different kinds of recreational outdoor areas. He'll provide you the tips, on what to consider when designing an outdoor exercise area.
So if you are in the need of some Omnigym equipment or just want to have a chat, do not hesitate to contact:
Mika Sangi 040 7662154
Thomas Pokela 044 7119999